Congratulations Emily
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
congratulations Emily
congratulations Emily
2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR REGISTRATION INFORMATION Video Link: The video is a how to for online class registration for next year's 9-12th grade students. If you need more assistance registering you can come into the school Tuesday, February 16th at 6 pm or 6:30 pm. Social Distancing and masking are required. Email Mrs. Marshall with any questions,
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
Here is the live stream link for tonight's girl's regional game at Riverside starting at 7:00 pm:
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
Our West Harrison girl's basketball team plays in Riverside on Thursday, Feb. 11th at 7:00 pm for the 1st round of regionals. There are no attendance restrictions, however, masks are required. The game is being played on KDSN radio (105 FM/1530AM) as well as live streamed with the following link:
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
Tonight's home games with River Valley begins at 5:30 pm for the girls with the boys to follow.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
Agenda for the February 10, 2021 school board meeting
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Clarification on Governor Reynold's latest proclamation I hope you are enjoying your weekend! I wanted to send out clarification following the Governor's latest proclamation removing her mask mandate for businesses and gatherings.  This does not change mask requirements at school.  We will continue to require masks at school and at school events at this time.  By continuing to require students and staff to wear masks during school, and visitors to your campus to wear masks when in our buildings, we are able to drastically reduce the number of students and staff who are required to quarantine due to any exposure to any individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19. Thank You! Marty Fonley
almost 4 years ago, Marty Fonley
Congratulations Haley Koch 1000 career points scored. Welcome to the club!
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Congratulations Haley Koch 1000 career points scored.
Congratulations Haley Koch 1000 career points scored.  Welcome to the club
Find West Harrison's February Newsletter at IMPORTANT: Parent-Teacher Conferences are next week! Sign up here:
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Pape
Today's JH girls basketball game at Logan has been canceled.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
NO SCHOOL TODAY, February 4. Stay warm and enjoy your snow day!
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
West Harrison School will be 2 hrs late this morning Thursday, February 4th. Drive Safe!
almost 4 years ago, Marty Fonley
West Harrison Boys Track and Field is compiling a top 10 performance list in each event. After much research the following list was created. Records are often hard to find and incomplete. We would like your help in finalizing this list. Please look at the following records. If you see an error or would like to add information to the list please contact head coach Grant Staats at We want this list to be as complete as possible so all information is appreciated.
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Here is information from East Mills for the games tonight including a live stream link. 1. We are playing at our elementary school. 58962 380th St, Hastings, IA 51540 2. We will use a checklist. 6 spectators per participant. Masks are required at all times. 3. Livestream will be on youtube. Search East Mills Jr Sr High. or here is the link: 4. No concessions, since we don't usually use this school for hosting high school events.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
For tonight's games at East Mills, which is being played in Hastings instead of Malvern due to a schedule conflict, the JV boys start at 5:00 pm, followed by the girls at 6:00 pm and the boys to follow at about 7:45 pm. There is a 6 spectator allowance for each player, coach, and cheerleader. They will be marking off people as you come in.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
Due to CRB's boys basketball team being quarantined, Tuesday's home game will be just the girls at 6:00 pm. The boys will be playing CRB on Friday, Feb. 12th with a JV boys game at 6:00 pm and the varsity boys to follow at about 7:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
Tonight is the JH girl's make up game with Whiting at Whiting starting at 3:45 pm. Here is a link to a live stream of the game:
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
West Harrison Brick Masters presenting at the regional qualifier. @WHPRIDE
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
WH Brick Masters
February 2021 menus Breakfast: Lunch:
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Tonight's game with Patton Churdan at home has been postponed to Feb. 5th at 5:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez