West Harrison will not have school tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5th.
about 17 hours ago, Marty Fonley
West Harrison will be dismissing at 2:00 today due to the weather.
1 day ago, Marty Fonley
West Harrison Youth Softball and Baseball registration forms will be handed out this week. You can fill out the paper form or online forms below. The links can also be found at the WH Youth Sports General information Facebook page. They are due March 14th! Baseball/Tball registration: https://blueq.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bxUtC73ZYzoruGa Softball registration: https://blueq.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6MuqjjtLj6Xfcvc HAWKEYE PRIDE
7 days ago, Troy Maasen
March 2025 Lunch Menu: https://5il.co/38s1i
7 days ago, Keri King
March 2025 Breakfast Menu: https://5il.co/38rz2
7 days ago, Keri King
**POPS CONCERT UPDATE** Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Pops Concert that was scheduled for Tonight, Monday, February 24th will now be postponed to Tuesday, March 4th.
9 days ago, Troy Maasen
West Harrison Preschool Roundup Coming in April!!
9 days ago, Keri King
Preschool Roundup
Congratulations Dr. Rod Earleywine!! West Harrison is extremely proud of you!!
12 days ago, Keri King
Dr. Rod Earleywine
West Harrison will have a 2-hour last start tomorrow, Friday, February 21st.
13 days ago, Marty Fonley
West Harrison will have a 2-hour late start tomorrow, Thursday, February 20th.
14 days ago, Marty Fonley
February 2025 Board Minutes: https://5il.co/38603
14 days ago, Keri King
Updated Information from Mr. Fonley about the 2024/2025 and 2025/2026 Athletic Sharing.
14 days ago, Keri King
Sports Sharing
School will start two hours late tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19th for West Harrison. There will be no classes at the Buss Center. School will be dismissed at 3:30 tomorrow. There will not be an early out.
15 days ago, Marty Fonley
No school at West Harrison tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th.
16 days ago, Marty Fonley
Due to the extreme cold, West Harrison will have a two-hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18th. There will be no classes at the Buss Center.
16 days ago, Marty Fonley
The Regional Girls Basketball Game @ Kuemper Catholic has been postponed to Monday, February 17 @ 6pm. HAWKEYE PRIDE
18 days ago, Troy Maasen
The District Wrestling Meet @ Westwood (Sloan) tomorrow morning has been pushed back to an 11am start. Doors will open at 10am and tickets must be purchased online at the following link. https://www.iahsaa.org/tickets/ (Select Wrestling, Select Class 1A, Select Westwood/Sloan) GOOD LUCK HAWKEYES!
19 days ago, Troy Maasen
These Hawkeyes were caught SOARing last week! The weekly S.O.A.R. award is given to elementary students who display the following positive behaviors: S- Safety (I will act in a way that protects myself and others.) O- On Task (I will focus on what we are learning and only my own work.) A- Achievement (I will show my best effort in all that I do.) R- Respect (I will respect myself, others, and our school. I am kind and helpful.) February 3rd-7th: Beckett, Evelyn, Annika, Dane, and Reghan
19 days ago, Holly Brock
February 3-7
The High School Boys District Basketball Game @ EEHK Friday will now be played at 5:00pm. Tickets must be purchased online for this event at the following link: https://www.iahsaa.org/tickets/ (Select Basketball, Select Class 1A, Select District Basketball @ EEHK) GOOD LUCK HAWKEYES!
20 days ago, Troy Maasen
West Harrison will have a two-hour late start tomorrow, Thursday, February 13th due to windchills.
21 days ago, Marty Fonley