March 2021 school board meeting agenda
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Cat in the Hat delivered and read to the 2nd - 5th grade too! ❤️🤍💙
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
The Cat in the Hat delivered cookie cakes and read to our elementary classes today!! Thanks, Cat! ❤️💙🤍 Kindergarten-1st Grade pictured here
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
See what's happening at West Harrison! Link to March Newsletter is
almost 4 years ago, Brenda Pape
Wacky Wednesday teachers and Mrs. Ring is reading to the elementary this week! The Cat in the Hat will be visiting tomorrow, we hear. ❤️🤍💙
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
Many on our West Harrison staff and family were excited to receive our first COVID vaccination today. Thank you, Harrison County Public Health for helping us out! Teamwork—yay! ❤️💉🖤🤍✅
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
Congratulations to all 4 West Harrison speech students who advanced to state at the Individual District Speech Contest held at Missouri Valley today: Katie Gore - After Dinner Speaking & Prose Brylee Sherer - Storytelling Maren Evans - Radio News & Spontaneous Speaking Riley Acker - Radio News & Poetry
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
West Harrison Speech
Congratulations to Kayla Lynch, Maren Evans & McKenna Waldron for being selected to the 2021 Large Group All-State Speech Festival for Group Improvisation!!! This is the second year in a row these girls have received this prestigious honor!
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Kayla Lynch, Maren Evans & McKenna Waldron
Tonight's district final game at Lewis Central is not being live streamed. It will be aired on KDSN radio (105FM/1530AM).
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
March Menus: Breakfast: Lunch:
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
West Harrison, CSD would like community input on the proposed 2021 - 2022 school calendar. The calendar is a draft and not the final calendar. To view the calendar and to leave feedback click on the link.
almost 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
School Calendar
No School at West Harrison today, Monday, February 22nd due to road conditions from yesterday's storm. Be safe!
almost 4 years ago, Marty Fonley
West Harrison Schools will be 2hrs late Monday, February 22nd. Drive Safely.
almost 4 years ago, Marty Fonley
Getting tickets to the district finals game on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd at Lewis Central against St. Alberts. They will not be taking cash at the door. The game starts at 7:00 pm. 1) Use the following link to go to the IHSAA: or use the QR code attached. 2)Scroll down to find "search by venue" and put in West Harrison. Or scroll through the list of games to buy tickets. 3)Use the passcode WH3QV6 to purchase the tickets 4)You can print this out and bring to the game or keep it on your phone. The tickets go on sale at 9:00 am Saturday, Feb. 20th.
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
QR Code
Snow Day Makeup Schedule - West Harrison Schools are planning to makeup snow days on April 6th as well as May 26th, 27th, and 28th. Students would not have any makeup days after Memorial Day IF we have had 1080 student contact hours by May 28th.
almost 4 years ago, Marty Fonley
Tonight's boy's basketball district semi-finals at 7:00 pm at home will be broadcast on KDSN radio (105 FM/1530AM) and live streamed through FMCTC out of Harlan with play by play. Here is the link to the stream:
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
UPDATE: Registration assistance with Mrs. Marshall has been moved to next Monday, February 2/22 at 6 pm or 6:30 pm. 2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR REGISTRATION INFORMATION Video Link: The video is a how to for online class registration for next year's 9-12th grade students. If you need more assistance registering you can come into the school MONDAY, February 22nd at 6 pm or 6:30 pm. Social Distancing and masking are required. Email Mrs. Marshall with any questions,
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
NO SCHOOL today, February 16 for West Harrison due to the continued extreme wind chill warning. Stay warm! ❄️❤️
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
There will be a 2 HOUR DELAY tomorrow, February 16, at West Harrison due to the Wind Chill Warning in effect. Please continue to stay alert for any further changes and stay warm! ❄️❤️
almost 4 years ago, Casey Ring
Due to the cold weather, tonight's boy's home district basketball game has been moved up to 6:00 PM. The game will be broadcast on KDSN radio also (105 FM/1530AM).
almost 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez