Our Return to Learn Plan is here! https://sites.google.com/w-harrison.k12.ia.us/westharrisonreturntolearn/home Please bookmark this to refer back to often as we update and add more as our start date approaches. We will notify you of additions or changes through email, our website, and our facebook page. Thank you for your patience in waiting for this anticipated plan; we had a wonderful team in place, working hard through the summer to make the best and safest possible decisions for all staff and students at West Harrison. Thank you to all who have contributed! This link should work-try refreshing your page!
over 4 years ago, Casey Ring
Hello Hawkeye families! Please take some time to review linked document and register your West Harrison students for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. We THINK all of the links and everything should be working, but if you have any problems, call/email Brenda or Annette for assistance. This is our first year of totally online registration and will be a learning experience for all. Included in the document is more information about school supplies, bus routes, etc. Registration information link found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zH9v5_s6czyswPR41Y0VhfQIEJbh1Y7r/view?usp=sharing We will be sending out our Return to Learn plan this afternoon--stay tuned! Thank you for your understanding. Go Hawkeyes! Mrs. Ring
over 4 years ago, Casey Ring
register clipart
August 20-21 Menus Breakfast: https://5il.co/iotm Lunch: https://5il.co/iotl
over 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Football meeting for grades 9-12 will be July 31st in the West Harrison commons. We will do an informative meeting starting at 5 PM. At this meeting we will give the most up to date guidelines provided to us by the IHSAA. As of right now the season will be starting on time with the first practice starting August 10th. The August preseason camp is still pending, if state approved we will have camp the week of August 3rd. Any students interested in playing or parents with questions can contact Coach Stevenson via email astevenson@w-harrison.k12.ia.us. We are looking forward to a competitive season and are excited to start another year of Hawkeye Football.
over 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
The baseball awards ceremony has been moved an hour later to 7:00 pm. on Friday.
over 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
The IHSAA and IGHSAU, per the governor's amendment, states that a physical issued on or after July 1, 2019 is good until December 2020. High school sports (volleyball, football, cheerleading, and cross country) begins August 10th. Junior high begins the first day of school.
over 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
There will be a baseball awards ceremony on Friday, July 24th at 6:00 pm in the HS commons. No Food! Family members only. Each family will sit at their own tables.
over 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
If any student, in grades 9-12, is interested in football cheer for this fall, email Missy Etter at metter@w-harrison.k12.ia.us with your name and phone number. DEADLINE is July 20th.
over 4 years ago, Brenda Pape
The West Harrison Softball team plays it regional game tonight at 7:00 pm in Oakland, Iowa against Riverside.
over 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
Softball and Baseball Senior Night.
over 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Softball and Baseball Senior Night.
over 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
20-21 Supply List Updated 6th Grade https://5il.co/7wkz
over 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
2020-2021 School Supplies Lists https://5il.co/7wkz
over 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
over 4 years ago, Casey Ring
Hawkeye families, Our District Leadership Team is meeting weekly to make decisions about what our Return to Learn plan looks like when we return to school on August 24. We will update everyone via social media, text messaging, and email as soon as we can. Our goal is to have students return to campus, but we also want to ensure our policy/procedures will mitigate exposure and is something we can sustain over time. We are following guidance from the Department of Education and Harrison County Public Health. As we all know, change happens quickly and we have to respond accordingly and adjust our own planning as well. Student learning and the safety of everyone on campus is of utmost importance and we want to be sure to make the best decisions for all. We will be sending out our 2020-2021 calendar soon as well. :) Thank you for your understanding and support! Mr. Fonley and Mrs. Ring
over 4 years ago, Casey Ring
Reminder to student/athletes. The fitness center is open from 8:00 to 10:00 am every day of the week. You must sign up with the following link-https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040449A9AF2EAAF94-july You must wear a mask and follow the other guidelines posted.
over 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez
Wellness Center Membership Update If you had a current, active membership as of March 13, 2020, your membership has been extended for the four months the wellness center was closed along with any time you may have had remaining on your membership. We have been working on getting everyone reactivated and going. If you have any issues with access after today, July 9th, please shoot an email message to bpape@w-harrison.k12.ia.us. If you call the school and leave a message be sure to also leave a call back number so we can let you know when your issue has been resolved. Remember to follow all guidelines and enjoy your time back with us!
over 4 years ago, Brenda Pape
July 8, 2020 Board Agenda https://5il.co/i2c1
over 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
Fitness Center Guidelines https://5il.co/hyfs https://5il.co/hyft
over 4 years ago, Morgan Daniels
The West Harrison fitness center will open to the general public starting Monday, July 6. However, student athletes are reserved every weekday from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. You must abide by the guidelines set up be the State of Iowa and West Harrison School District. These guidelines are posted on the website and in the room. Masks are required. Cameras are present in the room and if guidelines are not followed your membership could be revoked.
over 4 years ago, Anthony Nunez